Module luafp.array

luafp array module


indexOf (fromIndex, value, list) Searchs the list for your value, and if it finds it, it returns the index.
findIndex (fromIndex, func, list) Searchs the list for your value using the predicate function you provide, and if the predicate function returns true, it returns the index.
find (fromIndex, func, list) Searchs the list for your value using the predicate function you provide, and if the predicate function returns true, it returns the item
head (list) Gets the first item of the list
last (list) Gets the last item of the list
tail (list) Gets all but the first item of the list
initial (list) Gets all but the last item of the list
difference2 (list, values) Gets the difference between in the 2 lists, and gives you a list containing the differences.
fill (value, startIndex, endIndex, list) Fills a table with values
flatten (list) Flattens a table 1 level by unpacking the table and inserting where it found it.


indexOf (fromIndex, value, list)
Searchs the list for your value, and if it finds it, it returns the index.


  • fromIndex Starting list index to search from
  • value Value you wish to look for in the list
  • list List you wish to search through


  1. index 0 or above if it found it, -1 if it did not
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    cowIndex = list.indexOf(1, 'Cow', names)
    print(cowIndex) -- 3
findIndex (fromIndex, func, list)
Searchs the list for your value using the predicate function you provide, and if the predicate function returns true, it returns the index.


  • fromIndex Starting list index to search from
  • func predicate function that takes the item from the table, expected to return true if your function thinks it found a match, false otherwise.
  • list List you wish to search through


  1. index 0 or above if it found it, -1 if it did not
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    isCow = function(o) return o == 'Cow' end
    cowIndex = list.fromIndex(1, isCow, names)
    print(cowIndex) -- 3
find (fromIndex, func, list)
Searchs the list for your value using the predicate function you provide, and if the predicate function returns true, it returns the item


  • fromIndex Starting list index to search from
  • func predicate function that takes the item from the table, expected to return true if your function thinks it found a match, false otherwise.
  • list List you wish to search through


  1. value The item in the list that was found, else nil
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    isCow = function(o) return o == 'Cow' end
    cow = list.find(1, isCow, names)
    print(cow) -- Cow
head (list)
Gets the first item of the list


  • list List you want the 1st item from


  1. value First item in the list, else nil
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    print(list.head(names)) -- Jesse
last (list)
Gets the last item of the list


  • list List you want the last item from


  1. value Last item in the list, else nil
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    print(list.last(names)) -- Cow
tail (list)
Gets all but the first item of the list


  • list List you want the tail from


  1. value tail of the list, else nil
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    print(list.tail(names)) -- {'Brandy', 'Cow'}
initial (list)
Gets all but the last item of the list


  • list List you want the initial from


  1. value initial of the list, else nil
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    print(list.initial(names)) -- {'Jesse', 'Brandy'}
difference2 (list, values)
Gets the difference between in the 2 lists, and gives you a list containing the differences.


  • list First list to compare
  • values Second list to compare against the first


  1. differences A new list containing the differences
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    names = {'Jesse', 'Brandy', 'Cow'}
    wat = {'Cow'}
    print(list.difference2(names, wat)) -- {'Jesse', 'Brandy'}
fill (value, startIndex, endIndex, list)
Fills a table with values


  • value Value you want to prepopulate in your list; cannot be nil
  • startIndex index to start insert your value
  • endIndex last index to stop inserting your value
  • list you want to insert values into


  1. filled Your mutated list with values in it
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local list = require 'luafp/list'
    SpiceGirls = {}
    print(list.file('ziggyZigAh', 1, 3, SpiceGirls)) -- {'ziggyZigAh', 'ziggyZigAh', 'ziggyZigAh'}
flatten (list)
Flattens a table 1 level by unpacking the table and inserting where it found it.


  • list list which contains other list you wish to flatten


  1. flattened List with 1 level of flattening done
  2. error String error message if parameter validation failed


    local flatten = require 'luafp/list'.flatten
    peeps = { {'Jesse', 'Dat Lightning'}, {'Cow', 'Cheese'} }
    print(flatten(peeps) -- {'Jesse', 'Dat Lightning', 'Cow', 'Cheese'}
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2018-01-21 13:40:25