# Warning

Learning Functional Programming will change your life, but not necessarily for the better. It is a different way of thinking about code, and will change the way you look at code forever after. There is no going back.

Like the time I learned Object Oriented Programming, or Design Patterns, or Model View Controller frameworks, you see the programming in a new way. You have a new hammer and everything becomes a nail. You know the "one true way" and you struggle to reconcile the new way with the ways of old.

... Except it's different this time. Once you learn FP, you'll struggle to explain it to other coders and friends who may be entrenched in Procedural or OOP, but are curious about FP. Your code will start to look alien to non-FP'ers. Unless you're around other FP'ers, or those wishing to learn FP, you may feel lonlineness.

I feel it's worth it. Just be aware the above will happen and prepare yourself mentally. You'll make more friends if you invest in OOP in Java or more pragmatic approaches to programming. Following pure FP, you will make new friends and can bring along old ones, just be aware it is the minority in non-academic circles.

# Why Even Bother Learning Functional Programming?

What if I told you you could write JavaScript that doesn't throw errors, requires no mocks for unit testing, and you never have to memorize a this rule again? No undefined is not a function, no Sinon spies, and never using class or bind again, just building functions that work. Your Node code can be stateless, and work with concurrency "out of the box" without you having to know what CAP Theorm is. You can instead focus on testing if your code is correct vs. if it mostly works and hopefully doesn't explode.

What's the catch?

  1. npm libraries are not all FP.
  2. Popular Front end Frameworks are not 100% FP
  3. Node middlewares are not 100% FP
  4. FP code can have no errors and still be "wrong"
  5. Pragmatism Rules

In JavaScript, most of the code you use isn't yours and comes from the Node Package Manager called npm. It probably isn't written in an FP style. The library most likely uses throw intentionally, uses classes and inheritance, and other things that make FP code harder to write.

Front-end web development frameworks like React & Angular are not 100% functional. You'll have to not only write your own functional style code, but learn how to deal with non-functional code, in a functional way in those frameworks.

Node middlwares were created before Promises, and use a callback style with many libraries built atop this side effect heavy concept. They are used extensively in the framework and plugin ecosystem in frameworks like Express and Restify.

Those in software consulting are purists so among them you'll find FP an easier sell. Those in a software job are pragmatists. They'll use imperative, OOP, and FP where it helps, but aren't typically zealots. Going full FP is quite ivory tower and you'll encounter resistance.

Beyond those, no catch.

# What Does "Real-World" Mean?

Languages like JavaScript, Python, Go, and Java are languages you can get a job using at the time of this writing. They're all used in web development, data science & machine learning, and building REST API's. You can use them and work with non-functional programmers in the same code base and library ecosystem. While it's slowly changing (i.e. Elixir), it currently is hard to get a job using functional languages. Tech industry interviews are broken, hiring for what someone perceives you know with their bias vs hiring for helping someone learn. Companies hire for someone knowing a particular language or framework vs. ability to learn new ones. Many managers are afraid to use non-standard languages because they don't think they can hire people to maintain the code base if you or your FP co-workers leave.

Not everyone wants to learn FP.

Just like I'm currently suffering at my job learning and using Go #datEntitlement. Despite the tagline "more jobs than available candidates", it's hard enough to get a job in software, even if you have a job already. It's even harder when you learn a non-popular programming style and a non-popular language.

It would be disingenuous to teach you something knowing it would hurt your career.

Therefore, this guide is meant to teach you concepts you can use to benefit your current work in "normal" programming languages as well as ensuring you still can get a job "using Java" if you wish. Part of the skill, and challenge, of using FP in the current climate is co-existing with non-functional programmers in non-functional programming languages. The good news is that JavaScript, Python, and other dynamic languages have all you need built into the language to start programming FP while co-existing with code that isn't FP. Even strongly typed class ones like Java, C#, and Go do as well.

# Real-World Functional Programming

This book will teach you all you need to know to start using Functional Programming in the code you write in your day to day job. We will cover all the basics, what to practice to get better, and how to compose entire programs using just functions. Lastly, we'll give you various strategies for easing it into existing codebases and teams. We'll cover it from both perspectives; back-end where you build API's and front end where you build UI's. This includes some attitude changes around the various ways of testing.

While our examples are in dynamic, interpreted languages like JavaScript, Python, and Lua, you can use any language that has functions with inputs, outputs, and higher order functions. We'll show examples from other languages that help corroborate existing concepts such as Go error handling and Elixir matching syntax.

# Assumed Knowledge

This book assumes you know the basics of programming. You know what procedural/imperative line by line code is like such as bash, you're at least familiar with Object Oriented Programming like Java or C#, and have written some unit tests at least once in your life. We also assume you know how functions, scope, and closures work in JavaScript, Python, or Lua, although we'll do a refresher on closures since it can be helpful to understand the nuances.

# Using This Book

You are welcome to skip around the sections. However, we encourage you to read the pure function section at least once. The most important concept, and implementation details of Functional Programming are based on pure functions.

# What We're Not Going To Cover

To keep things simple, we're not going to cover anything with strong types, nor Category Theory. While you'll reap some of the benefits of Category Theory in what you'll learn here, we're not covering Functors or Monads for example. If you wish to learn more about Category Theory in a pragmatic way, check out Dr Boolean's Mostly Adequate Guide. If you wish to learn more about strong types, check out language documentation that supports functional programming with strong typing such as Elm, PureScript. For JavaScript, while not purely functional, TypeScript, or Flow are good options as well.

We're also not going to cover effect handling such as Algebraic Effects which is what React Hooks are based on. If you're interested, Daan Leijen goes over them in detail in this video using his Koka language. For JavaScript, we'll just use Maybes, Results, and Promises and Tasks. However, frameworks like Redux, Saga, Calmm, or even the architecture of Elm handle it in a more pure way as well.

# Nomenclature

Coming from an art background and not a computer science one, I tend to abuse terms or use many interchangeably (i.e. imperative and procedural). Below are definitions of commonly used ones throughout the book. While they may make sense in context, they can possibly be confusing if not clear exactly what one means.

# arguments / parameters

Functions take in arguments and sometimes return values. The arguments are the named variables between the parenthesis:

function gimmeDat(bass) {

In this case, the function gimmeDat takes 1 argument, called bass. I'll often call that "arguments" or "parameters" which both effectively mean the same thing as far as this book is concerned.

# shell / bash

When you open a terminal, such as a Command Prompt on Windows or a Terminal in Mac or Linux, you typically write "shell code" in a "bash window". When we refer to "shell" or "bash", we're talking about writing commands in that terminal window.

Just run npm install

Means open a Terminal, cd to the directory of where your code is, and type npm install and press Enter to execute that command.

# Formatting Assumptions

Below are explanations around how certain code is formatted through this book.

# Code

When referring to code specific things like a function, we'll write the function like that. This implies it is code.

# Bash, Shell, and Terminal

When referring to shell/bash/terminal, we'll wrap commands with similar syntax like running npm install or cd'ing (change directory).

# Operation or NOOP

An operation that takes inputs and that may return an output is called a function. However, some languages distinguish between them. They'll say an operation is a function that takes an input but operates on the data and doesn't return anything. In that sense, console.log would be an operation whereas a function would be Math.abs.

However, there is something called a "Noop" or "No Opt" which is slang for "No operation". This is a function that takes an input, but doesn't return a value. In that sense, console.log would be a Noop. Completely backwards, I know.

Whatever you call them, we try to avoid using Noops in Functional Programming: functions that do not return values. Typically Noops have side effects which is what we try to avoid or push to the sides of our code.

# Code Formatting

When writing code, we'll either do it short form like const yoDog = () => console.log('sup!') or long form like:

const yoDog = () => console.log('sup!')

# Strings

We use single ' and double " quotes interchangeably and each one has the same meaning: it's a String. We only whip out the template strings when building larger strings through dynamic data:

const you = "You are " // double
const amaze = 'awesome!' // single
const bigOleMessage = `${you}${amaze}` // template

# Logging

We'll vary between 3 forms of logging to show you the values of variables and return values of functions. Sometimes we'll be explicit via console.log and the value commented out to the right of the console.log:

const MAX_TREBLE = 100
const maxTheTreble () => MAX_TREBLE
console.log(maxTheTreble) // 100

Other times we'll just use log:

const log = console.log
const MAX_TREBLE = 100
const maxTheTreble () => MAX_TREBLE
log(maxTheTreble) // 100

Other times, we'll just write the commented result next to the function itself:

const maxTheTreble () => MAX_TREBLE // 100

But often below it:

const maxTheTreble () => MAX_TREBLE
// 100

# Repeating Code

In order to reduce how much code you have to look at and so we can focus on core ideas, we'll often imply "the code we already covered, but I'm not writing again" or "code is here, but we don't care about it for what we're currently talking about".

For example, in the above, we'll write:

const MAX_TREBLE = 100
const maxTheTreble () => MAX_TREBLE

And then later, talking about the same code, but 1 addition to it, we'll replace the stuff we already saw with ellipsis (3 dots):

console.log(maxTheTreble()) // 100

This includes function bodies. The below function, we don't care about the implementation, so we just put an ellipsis (3 dots like this ...) in there to imply "there is code in here, but it's not important to focus on right now":

const someComplicatedFunction = () => {

# Arguments No One Cares About vs. Catch All

Some functions will give arguments that we'll never use. Some linters in JavaScript don't allow you to define variables and parameters that aren't used, whereas some Type systems like TypeScript don't allow you to define callbacks that don't follow the type signature thus requiring you define the variable to satisfy the type signature even though you're not going to use it.

For us, we just follow the Elixir and Elm way of doing things using an underscore _:

const validateAlotOfData = data =>
        Success: _ => coolDoOtherThings()
        , Failure: error => reportError(error)

Note in the above, we don't care about the details of a successful validation. If it validated, that's good enough for us, no need to care about the value so we just use _ to imply it's there.

For Underscore or Lodash fans, this can be confusing and imply you're passing the Lodash object as a parameter. We're not, we are simply saying there is an argument here, but we don't care about it and have no intention to use it.

In Elixir and Elm, it can have double meanings such as "I don't care" or "everything else, catch all, the default". For example, here is an Elixir case statement interpreting some command-line input:

case input do
    "sup" ->
        "sup yo!"
    "dude" ->
    "humor me" ->
        "Two guys walk into bar, the 3rd one ducks."
    _ ->
        "Unknown input."

The _ in this case operates just like a default would in a JavaScript switch statement:

switch(input) {
    case "sup":
        return "sup yo!"
    case "dude":
        return "duuuude...."
    case "humor me":
        return "Two guys walk into bar, the 3rd one ducks."
        return "Unknown input."

# Function Alignment

For small functions, we'll write them like this, const yo = () => 'sup' inline in the sentence. However, you'll sometimes see those 1 line functions on 2 lines:

const yo = () =>

vs. how it was shown inline:

const yo = () => 'sup'

We try to follow the Elm styling around functions where you put the function definition on the first line, then the function body on the second. This includes manually curried functions like:

const ping = request => url =>